it's summer
and pickles and twerdd have been separated for far too long :(
and neither of us really care about this blog anymore.
it's an epic fail, but that's okay.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Monday, January 19, 2009
of an update in our lives
the following is an important update on the lives of ms. pickles and ms. twerdd:
people suck.
boys are frustrating.
new year's was fun.
we both are still in desperate search of lives.
the following is an important update on the lives of ms. pickles and ms. twerdd:
people suck.
boys are frustrating.
new year's was fun.
we both are still in desperate search of lives.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Monday, August 11, 2008
of laziness and recommendations
mood: bleh
the first blog entry of august! isn't this special...
sooo, summer has been pretty sweet - dance camp kept me busy through june and the alaska trip kept me busy through most of july.
but now it's august.
and i have nothing to do.
actually, it's not that i have nothing to do; it's more like i do nothing. i've been really lazy.
so lately i've been pushing myself to do something. i've started volunteering, writing, researching, reading, studying economics, and attempting to learn hindi. i actually had a busy-ish week. i just hope i keep it up and i hope that i don't fall back into the laziness-cycle again.
meh. i really disagree with the idea of an almost-three-month break from school. it's just way too long. us teenagers shouldn't be let out to roam free for such a long period of time.
"how did you spend your summer?" you eagerly ask.
"gee, thanks for askin. i'll tell you how."
june: dance camp. i came home sore every day. yyyyup.
july: i went to alaska. we basically packed as much stuff into those two weeks as was possible. we went flightseeing, dog-sledding, white river rafting, cruising, whale-watching, and a whole bunch of stuff. we travelled all over the state and we really had a lot of fun. lot of "family bonding" went on. woot.
august: i just started volunteering at the hospital. i basically carry papers and samples of blood (or heaven knows what else) around the hospital. when i'm not doing that, i'm kinda bored out of my mind. good news: i made some friends. yay.
oh, and breaking dawn came out. twerdd and i went to the release. we met even more twerds - some that were even more crazier than our own twerdd.
also, i read a bunch of books. some were great and some weren't.
middlesex (eugenides)
the ground beneath her feet (rushdie)
suite francais (nemirovsky)
and i guess i should add...
new moon
breaking dawn
aaand i watched a bunch of movies. all of them were great.
dark knight
vantage point
donnie darko
eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
american psycho
fight club
little miss sunshine
that's pretty much it.
night night.
the first blog entry of august! isn't this special...
sooo, summer has been pretty sweet - dance camp kept me busy through june and the alaska trip kept me busy through most of july.
but now it's august.
and i have nothing to do.
actually, it's not that i have nothing to do; it's more like i do nothing. i've been really lazy.
so lately i've been pushing myself to do something. i've started volunteering, writing, researching, reading, studying economics, and attempting to learn hindi. i actually had a busy-ish week. i just hope i keep it up and i hope that i don't fall back into the laziness-cycle again.
meh. i really disagree with the idea of an almost-three-month break from school. it's just way too long. us teenagers shouldn't be let out to roam free for such a long period of time.
"how did you spend your summer?" you eagerly ask.
"gee, thanks for askin. i'll tell you how."
june: dance camp. i came home sore every day. yyyyup.
july: i went to alaska. we basically packed as much stuff into those two weeks as was possible. we went flightseeing, dog-sledding, white river rafting, cruising, whale-watching, and a whole bunch of stuff. we travelled all over the state and we really had a lot of fun. lot of "family bonding" went on. woot.
august: i just started volunteering at the hospital. i basically carry papers and samples of blood (or heaven knows what else) around the hospital. when i'm not doing that, i'm kinda bored out of my mind. good news: i made some friends. yay.
oh, and breaking dawn came out. twerdd and i went to the release. we met even more twerds - some that were even more crazier than our own twerdd.
also, i read a bunch of books. some were great and some weren't.
middlesex (eugenides)
the ground beneath her feet (rushdie)
suite francais (nemirovsky)
and i guess i should add...
new moon
breaking dawn
aaand i watched a bunch of movies. all of them were great.
dark knight
vantage point
donnie darko
eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
american psycho
fight club
little miss sunshine
that's pretty much it.
night night.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
mood: jedi (hehe)
so i just want to let you all know i'm deliriously happy. naybeth dedicated her blog to me ( <-- check it out!). only five more days till breaking dawn. and i may be going to the hamptons with mia next weekend! the only thing that could possibly damper my spirits is the knowledge that i still have four spanish papers to write. ugh. ...aaaand, back to the happy stuff. like israel! wow, i really haven't updated in a while; i haven't written ANYTHING about israel. man. that was an awesome trip. it was my second time going there (the last time was four years ago) and this time was definitely more laid back, less touristy; i felt like i really had a chance to enjoy the culture. and the hebrew! lol, naybeth can attest to this- when i first came to israel, i was in this little bubble. i didn't know any hebrew at all. it was so frustrating; not understand anything being said. and the result was that i started thinking in spanish. (weird, right?) hopefully, my spanish got better, because for the first week, ALL the conversations in my head were in spanish, because i couldn't understand the hebrew.
so then i started a notebook where i wrote down hebrew words and phrases. by the end of the trip i had three completely full pages of words. and not only vocab, but grammar, too. lol, if i was a real blogger, i would probably already have pictures taken of this notebook, and would have added it here so you all can see. too bad. i didn't.
and in another effort to learn hebrew, i tried to find hebrew music-- and discovered the amazing Idan Raichel. this guy is awesome. he's israeli, but his music has a lot of ethiopian influences, and he's collaborated with over 70 other acclaimed artists. the funny thing is; i discovered this artist/group on the plane to israel. (that plane ride was one of the best parts of the trip.) each seat had its own tv in front of it; complete with over 300 movies, like 600 tv shows, and hundreds and hundreds of albums of music. of course i went straight to the world music section, and for hours and hours i listened to Utada Hikaru and this Idan Raichel guy. i didn't sleep at all; i was just too entertained by this little tv.
so anyway, on the last day of my trip, my aunt and i went into jerusalem for its film festival, and afterwards, found a music shop where i could buy "M'm'amakim", Idan Raichel's newest cd. they only have this specific version in israel; in the US, there's only one cd that combines select work together from his two albums. anyhu, the album is really great. i recommend the title track, and number ten, "Azini", which is sung in arabic.
wow. this must seem really boring.
i need to take a break. i'll write more another time. XD
oh, since i mentioned jerusalem, here's some pics from the visit:

in front of the capitol

at the Jerusalem film festival.. sorry it's sideways :P

this store was completely devoted to selling kippas.. it was awesome XD
so i just want to let you all know i'm deliriously happy. naybeth dedicated her blog to me ( <-- check it out!). only five more days till breaking dawn. and i may be going to the hamptons with mia next weekend! the only thing that could possibly damper my spirits is the knowledge that i still have four spanish papers to write. ugh. ...aaaand, back to the happy stuff. like israel! wow, i really haven't updated in a while; i haven't written ANYTHING about israel. man. that was an awesome trip. it was my second time going there (the last time was four years ago) and this time was definitely more laid back, less touristy; i felt like i really had a chance to enjoy the culture. and the hebrew! lol, naybeth can attest to this- when i first came to israel, i was in this little bubble. i didn't know any hebrew at all. it was so frustrating; not understand anything being said. and the result was that i started thinking in spanish. (weird, right?) hopefully, my spanish got better, because for the first week, ALL the conversations in my head were in spanish, because i couldn't understand the hebrew.
so then i started a notebook where i wrote down hebrew words and phrases. by the end of the trip i had three completely full pages of words. and not only vocab, but grammar, too. lol, if i was a real blogger, i would probably already have pictures taken of this notebook, and would have added it here so you all can see. too bad. i didn't.
and in another effort to learn hebrew, i tried to find hebrew music-- and discovered the amazing Idan Raichel. this guy is awesome. he's israeli, but his music has a lot of ethiopian influences, and he's collaborated with over 70 other acclaimed artists. the funny thing is; i discovered this artist/group on the plane to israel. (that plane ride was one of the best parts of the trip.) each seat had its own tv in front of it; complete with over 300 movies, like 600 tv shows, and hundreds and hundreds of albums of music. of course i went straight to the world music section, and for hours and hours i listened to Utada Hikaru and this Idan Raichel guy. i didn't sleep at all; i was just too entertained by this little tv.
so anyway, on the last day of my trip, my aunt and i went into jerusalem for its film festival, and afterwards, found a music shop where i could buy "M'm'amakim", Idan Raichel's newest cd. they only have this specific version in israel; in the US, there's only one cd that combines select work together from his two albums. anyhu, the album is really great. i recommend the title track, and number ten, "Azini", which is sung in arabic.
wow. this must seem really boring.
i need to take a break. i'll write more another time. XD
oh, since i mentioned jerusalem, here's some pics from the visit:

in front of the capitol

at the Jerusalem film festival.. sorry it's sideways :P

this store was completely devoted to selling kippas.. it was awesome XD
Sunday, June 8, 2008
of sophomore memories =]
mood: jedi
monday is the last day of school. after that... no more being a sophomore.
no more...
trying to figure out what was going on in english class
playing wonderfully pointless games in french
almost falling asleep while playing the violin in orchestra
being embarrassed and amused at the same time at peeps' comments in health
feeling miserable after failing a test and then being able to laugh two min later in math
perfecting my tetris skills in western civ
laughing to tears in chemistry
wasting so much valuable time during the free
pretending to pay attention while playing tetris/doing math hw/surfing youtube/studying for western civ in challenge
hope next year won't be crappy
if i'm lucky, it'll be as fun as this year was
monday is the last day of school. after that... no more being a sophomore.
no more...
trying to figure out what was going on in english class
playing wonderfully pointless games in french
almost falling asleep while playing the violin in orchestra
being embarrassed and amused at the same time at peeps' comments in health
feeling miserable after failing a test and then being able to laugh two min later in math
perfecting my tetris skills in western civ
laughing to tears in chemistry
wasting so much valuable time during the free
pretending to pay attention while playing tetris/doing math hw/surfing youtube/studying for western civ in challenge
hope next year won't be crappy
if i'm lucky, it'll be as fun as this year was
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
of the twilightness of this blog
i kinda sorta realized that this blog is very... twilight-ful.
and i would just like to point out that the crazily annoying twilight-ness of this blog is all twerdd.
i'm on a quest for some good new music... feel free to help me out.
life's life. nothing new.
and i would just like to point out that the crazily annoying twilight-ness of this blog is all twerdd.
i'm on a quest for some good new music... feel free to help me out.
life's life. nothing new.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
of dots and spots and macbook pros
twerdd told me to come update this. supposedly i screwed up some sort of pattern. oh dearie me.
anyhoo, i came to the blog expecting ugly pinkness to pop up on my screen, but imagine my surprise when i saw purtyful dots. ^^
what shall i write about?
chem? it's as fun and exciting and wonderful as always. =]]
school? it's pretty much the same, except it's about to end really soon and that makes me really sad (surprisingly no sarcasm there)
movies? i watched crash recently; it's quite awesome. and i'm dying to watch the latest indy jones.
friends? i have none.
life? life's still pretty sucky, but not as much as usual. =)
buuuutt... there is something excitingly new in my life.
yes you do
even if you don't, you will read this because you have no life
right now,
at this very second,
at this very moment in time,
right NOW,
i am on a macbook pro!
the peeps at my mommy's workplace gave it to her and it is to be used solely for her work.
...but i'm sure she'll let me use it once in a while
no worries... once in a while will soon turn into quite quite frequently, thanks to my sweetness and kindness and being-a-good-daughter-ness. =]]
it's so pretty - i can't keep my hands off it
actually, it is quite pathetic that i am so excited by this.
...but not as pathetic as twerdd and her obsession with twilight and every other crazily stupid thing on the face of this earth.
well, woot for macs and their awesomeness.
boo for the end of the school year and the stress and the wackiness of twerdd
Friday, May 23, 2008
Chemistry on Set: Rob and Kristen; A Scandal Rocks the Twilight World
So this video is actually quite old in Twilight history- it came out about a month and a half ago- but I just rediscovered it, and fell in love again! MTV reporter Larry Carroll (seriously, I freakin' love you!!) went behind the scenes to interview Kristen and Rob- to prove to us that the two have Edward and Bella's chemistry.
=] I see the chemistry! I do! I do! *Sigh.* I love Rob's laugh. And I love when Kristen wipes the smudge off Rob's face! It's too cute!
Alright. Now for the big news.
Somehow, the preface and cover art of Breaking Dawn (that's the fourth book in the Twilight Saga) was leaked onto the internet! As usual, it seems to have been someone from IMDB who leaked the information... All I know for sure is that the original posts are gone; the poster or an administrator from the site deleted them.
Here's my dilemma: do I read it or not? It's soooo tempting! I can't even go on my facebook group without being on my guard for spoilers. That's where I first heard about it anyway; people were talking about it openly on the main wall.
I did manage to read that the cover will be of a chess board; that's when I realized what I was even reading about, then quickly changed the web page. But other than that, I don't know. UGH! How am I going to wait a week for it to come out (legally)?
And what could the chess cover mean? It obviously symbolizes something. Maybe that Bella is "playing" a dangerous game; if she gets turned into a vampire then the truce will be broken and the werewolves can attack, but if she doesn't, then the Volturi will have to kill her because she knows too much.
So, I have two other pieces of news; one is Twilight-related, the other is not.
First, the Twilight-related: I gave my English teacher Twilight to read!! She has the whole Memorial Day Weekend to read it. Hopefully she'll have finished it by the time I'm back in school Tuesday- and who knows? Maybe she'll like it enough to want to read New Moon! -and MAYBE- she'll like it enough to become a Twilight Mom! Or write fanfiction for it!! That would be AMAZING!!! =]
And the other news is, last night I saw Death at a Funeral. This movie is hilariously good! (Well, of course it is, it's about a dysfunctional British family; what's not to love?!) Anyhu, it's about the craziness that ensues when a man threatens to expose the dead man's secret: they were gay lovers. I have to give kudos to Alan Tudyk, who played Simon, a man smashed on hallucinogens during the funeral. His facial expressions and comments were laugh-out-loud, crack-up-on-the-sofa good. Yeah. I don't want to give too much away...
Well that's it for today. Tata for now...
=] I see the chemistry! I do! I do! *Sigh.* I love Rob's laugh. And I love when Kristen wipes the smudge off Rob's face! It's too cute!
Alright. Now for the big news.
Somehow, the preface and cover art of Breaking Dawn (that's the fourth book in the Twilight Saga) was leaked onto the internet! As usual, it seems to have been someone from IMDB who leaked the information... All I know for sure is that the original posts are gone; the poster or an administrator from the site deleted them.
Here's my dilemma: do I read it or not? It's soooo tempting! I can't even go on my facebook group without being on my guard for spoilers. That's where I first heard about it anyway; people were talking about it openly on the main wall.
I did manage to read that the cover will be of a chess board; that's when I realized what I was even reading about, then quickly changed the web page. But other than that, I don't know. UGH! How am I going to wait a week for it to come out (legally)?
And what could the chess cover mean? It obviously symbolizes something. Maybe that Bella is "playing" a dangerous game; if she gets turned into a vampire then the truce will be broken and the werewolves can attack, but if she doesn't, then the Volturi will have to kill her because she knows too much.
So, I have two other pieces of news; one is Twilight-related, the other is not.
First, the Twilight-related: I gave my English teacher Twilight to read!! She has the whole Memorial Day Weekend to read it. Hopefully she'll have finished it by the time I'm back in school Tuesday- and who knows? Maybe she'll like it enough to want to read New Moon! -and MAYBE- she'll like it enough to become a Twilight Mom! Or write fanfiction for it!! That would be AMAZING!!! =]
And the other news is, last night I saw Death at a Funeral. This movie is hilariously good! (Well, of course it is, it's about a dysfunctional British family; what's not to love?!) Anyhu, it's about the craziness that ensues when a man threatens to expose the dead man's secret: they were gay lovers. I have to give kudos to Alan Tudyk, who played Simon, a man smashed on hallucinogens during the funeral. His facial expressions and comments were laugh-out-loud, crack-up-on-the-sofa good. Yeah. I don't want to give too much away...
Well that's it for today. Tata for now...
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
twilight tuesday
I'm excited. Wanna know why?
Because today is Twilight Tuesday! =]
What's Twilight Tuesday, you ask? It's only the greatest thing MTV has ever accomplished. Every Tuesday, MTV gives us Twilighters, us Twi-hards, us Twerds- or whatever you want to call us!- news on the production of Twilight The Movie.
So far, Twilight Tuesdays has given us the first official movie poster (which I'm not too fond of), the trailer, interviews with Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart (Edward and Bella), and finally- an interview with Taylor Lautner, a.k.a., Jacob Black.
Here's the vid:
Aww! Taylor is definitely a bit corny at times, but he makes up for it by being so darn cute! And we're both sixteen.. lol. But seriously, look at all that dedication there! He obviously really wants to get into the part and please the fans. For example, here you can read about his plans for buffing up to play New Moon-aged Jacob.
And you know what? While I'm here, I might as well put up the trailer!
PS: from now on its just Rob, Kristen, and Taylor. And Stephenie Meyer (the author of Twilight) is just Stephenie. =]
Because today is Twilight Tuesday! =]
What's Twilight Tuesday, you ask? It's only the greatest thing MTV has ever accomplished. Every Tuesday, MTV gives us Twilighters, us Twi-hards, us Twerds- or whatever you want to call us!- news on the production of Twilight The Movie.
So far, Twilight Tuesdays has given us the first official movie poster (which I'm not too fond of), the trailer, interviews with Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart (Edward and Bella), and finally- an interview with Taylor Lautner, a.k.a., Jacob Black.
Here's the vid:
Aww! Taylor is definitely a bit corny at times, but he makes up for it by being so darn cute! And we're both sixteen.. lol. But seriously, look at all that dedication there! He obviously really wants to get into the part and please the fans. For example, here you can read about his plans for buffing up to play New Moon-aged Jacob.
And you know what? While I'm here, I might as well put up the trailer!
PS: from now on its just Rob, Kristen, and Taylor. And Stephenie Meyer (the author of Twilight) is just Stephenie. =]
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